DuckDuckGo is the most popular search engine for people who care about their privacy. In their privacy page, it is written that DuckDuckGo does not log any personal details. Its homepage is simple and as clean as Google. DuckDuckGo will show same results for search terms to all its users unlike Google, which filters results according to the sites you have been visiting. So here we are sharing some awesome features of DuckDuckGo
Generate Random Passwords
If you cannot think strong password just head over to DuckDuckGo and type “random password” in the search box and you will see a random password in the search result. It will generate 8 character long password.
Check site is down or not
If you are unable to open a website in your browser, and you want to check whether it is with you or with everyone. Then go to DuckDuckGo and search there using the keyword like “is down“.
Google has a timer, but DuckDuckGo has both stopwatch as well as a timer. Simply search for the stopwatch to use it.
Social Media Bio
DuckDuckGo will let you know about any user social media bio without leaving the search engine. If you search for @tgeekbyte then it will show you the twitter bio same applies to Google + and Gravatar. If you want to search Google Plus profile bio then search G+ then the name of the person similarly for Gravatar, type Gravatar then the username of the person.
Generate ASCII Art
With DuckDuckGo, you can generate ASCII art without leaving the search engine. This is one of the best features for python developers who print their name in python scripts, search for figlet vaibhav.
Get HTML code of any special character
With DuckDuckGo, you can get a list of HTML codes for special characters. Search for HTML chars and it will give you a list of all special character which can be used in HTML. If you want to search for the particular character then you can search HTML for a special character name. For example, I want to get the HTML code of diamond then search HTML for diamond.
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