Maps editor has been temporarily closed by Google

You might remember that a user from Pakistan edited and uploaded an image on Google maps showing an Android robot is peeing on Apple logo about a couple of weeks ago.Even after apologizing for the inconvenience, the company has decided to temporarily closed its Maps editor service to stop users from spreading spam.

Pavithra Kanakarajan, a member of Google Map Maker team on a product forums post revealed about this announcement and explained that they’re making several changes in Google Maps which will take more than a few days to fix the problem.

If you visit the homepage of google’s Map Maker then you’ll see a pop-up message within a moment notifying that Maps editor will be temporarily unavailable in all countries from 12th May, 2015.Google Maps have experienced many spam attacks over the past few months but the most recent incident is seriously troubling the company as a result, Google Maps editor team suspended auto-approval and user moderation across the globe, till they figured out ways to add more intelligent mechanisms to prevent such incidents.